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2023 IFR RV7A 1/7th Share for Sale – click for information

CLICK this link for a video of the first engine start for N617RV on June 26, 2023!!!

N617RV’s engine was run for the fist time on June 26, 2023. The FAA inspected N617RV on July 13th, 2023, and we received our FAA Airworthy Certificate August 11th, 2023. The first flight was by Bob on August 16th. Mark flew with Bob on the second flight, and most of the others. All members flew test flights and one time or another. On October 11th, 2023, the Phase 1 flying was completed and signed off in the logbooks. N617RV is now in Phase II which the final phase for experimental aircraft. This means we no longer have any restrictions on checked out pilots flying the airplane outside of the phase 1 test area.

Dec 21, 2023, N617RV was dropped off at Hawks for her first new paint job! the estimate was about six weeks until the paint job is completed. The airplane was flown home by Mark and Ric on Feb 16, 2024. The picture at the top of the website was taken by Bob at night on March 6th after flying for night currency. Beautiful airplane!!!

We are now enjoying the fruits of our labor!!!